Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone

Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone

This movie...

• 14 minutes
• Shot over 9 days from June 25 to August 26, 2006
• Premiered May 4, 2007

Other pages in the film section:

Introduction, movies, and resume

My movies:

Anti-Amendment (Pro-Equality) PSA
The Vacationers
Harry Putter and the Chamber Pot of Secrets
Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone

My very first movie of my very own. I wrote, directed, and produced Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone in 2006, held up by the amazing talents of Matthew Feeney, Melanie Nolen, and an absolutely amazing crew and cast. They made my dream become a reality.

Harry Putter cast and director

Harry Putter was born from one too many "did you know you look just like Harry Potter?" jokes. Yes, it's true, in my younger years I bore a striking resemblance to Daniel Radcliffe, so much so that, one day working in retail, a small child approached and asked for my autograph. Seriously. And so, after a simlar quip at a WaZoo! Show script reading in summer 2004, I started scratching down ideas for a parody, the story of the "real boy", Harry Putter, upon whom JK Rowling based her famous books. When I brought a rough draft to the next meeting, it received positive feedback and lots of useful suggestions. Two years and countless drafts later, we were shooting.

Harry and Hairgrid

We shot 9 non-consecutive days from June through August, 2006, then spent a year editing. HP1 premiered on May 4, 2007, and then we went straight into pre-production for the sequel, Harry Putter and the Chamber Pot of Secrets.

If anyone had told me how much work producing a movie from start to finish would be, I would never have done it. I'm glad no one told me. My skills as a filmmaker have grown greatly since 2006, but I'm still proud of this first creation, all things considered.

Watch it.

DVD bonus features


Outtakes (Part 1)

Outtakes (Part 2)

Behind the scenes photos

Photography by Anne Westcott, and some from my Mom, Stephanie Gustafson

Harry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's PhoneHarry Putter and the Sorcerer's Phone


Nathan Shrake

Nathan Shrake

Harry Putter

Christina Holaday

Christina Holaday

Hermione Lone Ranger

Erik Skramstad

Erik Skramstad

Ron Weaselby

Janie Castilla

Janie Castilla

Professor McGonnafall

Al Fiene

Al Fiene

Professor Bumblesnore

Matt Franta

Matt Franta

Draco Milfoil

Franklin Heler

Franklin Heller


Benjamin Latz

Ben Latz

Neville Lintbottom

Mary Oczak

Mary Oczak

Wand Store Clerk

Mike DiNardo

Mike DiNardo

Professor Snape

Jim Westcott

Jim Westcott

Lord Voldemortgage

Melanie Nolen

Melanie Nolen

Professor Pooch

Matthew Feeney

Matthew Feeney

Professor Squirrel

Pam Kaufman

Pam Kaufman

Mother Weaselby

Derek Miller

Derek Miller

The S[n]orting Hat

Shawn Bakken

Shawn Bakken

Broom Store Clerk

Christian Skelley

Christian Skelley

Computer Store Clerk

Allison Pavlick

Allison Pavlick

Ginny Weaselby

Skylar Tuthill

Skylar Tuthill


Nora Flynn

Nora Flynn


Delaney Leighton

Delaney Leighton


Peter Kruse

Peter Kruse

Dudley Palmer

Carl Simmons

Carl Simmons

Uncle Vermin Palmer

Marilyn Simmons

Marilyn Simmons

Aunt Peony Palmer

Jake Speikers

Broom Store Kid #1

Sara Baranczyk

Broom Store Kid #2

Kathryn Ravey

Broom Store Kid #3


Written and Directed by Jeremy Gustafson
Producer Matthew Feeney
Production Manager Melanie Nolen
Director of Photography Nick Evert
Editor Tony Peltier
Assistant Writer Ben Latz
1st Assistant Director Chad Martin
Production Designer Caitlin Klein
Casting Director Matthew Feeney
Casting Assistants Jim Westcott
Michael Moore
Ben Latz
Christian Skelley
Anne Westcott
Timothy Meinke
Location Managers Mariska Baranczyk
Randy Baranczyk
1st Assistant Camera Chris Beer
Sound Mixer Tony Peltier
Post Production Sound Design and Original Score Chase Hentges
Crew Extraordinaire Shawn Bakken
Wardrobe Julie Scott
Craft Services Mariska Baranczyk
Randy Baranczyk
Assistant Craft Services Logan Gianinni
Sara Baranczyk
Make-up Mary Oczak
Publicity Stephanie Allensworth
Still Photographer Anne Westcott
Stephanie Gustafson
Extras Casting Matthew Feeney
Anne Westcott
Jim Westcott
Script Supervisor Sara Norlin
Jenny Birch
Clapper Addie Atkins
Production Assistants Sarah Storbakken
Angel Benes
Rachel Pierce
Paul Bartholow
Jason Schumacher
LightScribe Labeling Assistant Benjamin Landsteiner
Behind the Scenes Camera Alexander E. Nolen
Assistant Web Manager Frederick Roos
Harry Putter cast

Background actors

Daria Adams Kiana Adams
Alexin Aynaga Theo Berry
Thaddeus Berry Auston Bork
Bailee Bork Calli Bork
Kerin Bork Lu Anne Bork
Neva Deonne Brady Lauren Bubser
Hayley Butterfield Tegan Marie Carr
Rosie Carter Neth Chin
Samantha Coady Cathy Condie
Kyra Condie Tom Condie
Xander Condie Michael Cook
Carly Davidson Deana Escudero
Deven Fennern Laken Fennern
Rob Finlayson Ashley Fremder
Zach Fremder Logan Giannini
Aindriu Griffin Colm Griffin
Thomas Griffin Bethany Hagen
Carlie Hanson Andy Harris
Deborah Harris Elliott Heerman
Meg Hickey Melissa Hoppe
Carly Jacobsen Maggie Kennedy
Sam Kennedy Jan Kennen
Rachiel Kennen Bret Kirchasler
Caitlin Klein Tim Komatsu
Amanda Koran Pam Koran
Kay Kruse Leo Leighton
Mara Leone Leighton Brooke Lemke
Amy Lohmann Mena Lor
Marquell Mason-Crenshaw Yvonne May
Ajhae Mayfield Jazz Mayfield
Nisa Mayfield Bob McDonald
Eric Mitchell David Mullen
Stina Nesbit Kate Nolin
Betsey Olk Kari Olk
Kristy Overton Abby Palkert
Lydia Palkert Sarina Peterson
Daniel Quaile Lyric Rafn-Stoffer
Leanne Ravey Ron Ravey
Julie Scott Madisen Smith
Ryan Soukup Sarah Stark
Asia Thornton Tracey Trouten
Moniquia Tyner Lou Vang
February Wall-Brown Alexis Walstrom
Elizabeth Westcott Alyssa Wiegand
Ellen Windschitl Choua Xiong
Owee Xiong Shoung Xiong
Feng Yang Jason Yang
Harry Putter cast

Special Thanks

Stephanie and Gary Gustafson
Melanie Nolen
Tony Peltier
Barb Gawtry
Kristy Overton
Gabriel Coler
Michael Sutz
Kay Kruse
Jennifer Willenbrink

Chris Simmons for use of his beautiful house
Jim Wald and Minnehaha Academy
Bill Kirchgessner and the University of St. Thomas
Ed Bova and the MN State Fairgrounds Police Department
Doug Mamer and East Lake Electronics
Jeff Warner and Warner's Stellian
Mary Oczak and Maggie May's
Anna Clift and St. Olaf College
Bob Cody and the Highland National Golf Course
Keith Johnson and the Amtrak-Midway Station
Adam Zirzaw and the Highland Park Pool
Shelley Spargur and Elite Repeat

Nathan Shrake and Erik Skramstad as Harry Putter and Ron Weaselby